Version from 01/08/2024
Wavesense Dresden attaches great importance to sustainable and responsible business practices. Therefore, we encourage all suppliers and partners to commit themselves to common rules of doing business, which are set out below.
We are in favour of free and fair competition. We do not tolerate any anti-competitive agreements and ensure that our company acts in accordance with the applicable antitrust laws. We reject competitive advantages through unfair business practices.
We fulfil our ecological responsibility by applying the applicable legal requirements and recognised standards for the protection of the environment and climate Our company applies applicable law and takes appropriate measures that are based on legal and internationally recognised standards.
We treat our employees with respect. We reject any form of unlawful punishment, abuse, harassment, intimidation or other unworthy treatment of employees. Our company applies the applicable labour law to all employment relationships and expects the same from its contractual partners. At the beginning of the employment relationship, employees are provided with understandable information about the main terms and conditions of employment, including their rights and obligations, working hours, remuneration and payment and settlement modalities. We respect and protect the right of employees to terminate their employment relationship in accordance with the applicable notice period.
We do not tolerate child labour and observe the applicable legal minimum age for employment. In any case, we do not employ persons under the age at which compulsory schooling ends according to the law of the place of employment or under the age of 15. Internships are organised in accordance with the statutory provisions.
We apply the statutory or – where applicable – collectively agreed provisions in the remuneration of labour services. Our company ensures that the payment of employees in the company does not fall below the applicable statutory minimum wage or, if applicable, the minimum wage stipulated by collective agreement or the minimum wage customary in the industry. In countries or regions without a statutory or collectively agreed wage framework, we ensure that the wage paid for regular full-time work is sufficient to fulfil the basic needs of employees. We do not tolerate wage deductions that are not authorised by law, including wage deductions as a disciplinary measure.
We reject forced or compulsory labour in any form. This also applies to any form of debt bondage, serfdom, slavery or slavery-like practices, human trafficking and extends to all forms of involuntary labour and services that are incompatible with internationally recognised labour and social standards. internationally recognised labour and social standards.
We apply the statutory or applicable collectively agreed provisions on working hours, including overtime, rest breaks and holidays.
Our company ensures that:
We value the diversity of our employees and promote a working environment that enables inclusion. Our company is therefore committed to equal opportunities and rejects all forms of discrimination and unequal treatment based on national and ethnic origin, social background, health status, disability, sexual orientation, age, gender, political opinion, religion or belief.
Our company lives by the principle of equal pay for male and female workers for work of equal value.
We comply with national and international occupational health and safety standards. Our company ensures a safe and healthy working environment (avoiding accidents, injuries and work-related illnesses) in order to maintain the safety and health of its employees and third parties.